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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

A Guide to Buying the Right House for Your Needs

Purchasing a home is one of the most significant investments you will make. Hence, it would be best if you did not settle on one hastily to avoid regrets in the future. You may decide to buy the house in cash or borrow a mortg...

Tiny, Fold-Up Homes Increase Position to Provide Housing Solutions

When Elon Musk purchased Twitter for over $40 billion dollars, the world was pretty polarized on the news. Though not so much because one person was buying the world's biggest social media platform, but ...

Miami Breaks Ground on $19m Housing Project

Since around the 1960s, under the "Great Society" initiatives, trillions upon trillions of dollars have been spent on tens of thousands of affordable housing projects, including everything from high-rise apartment buil...

It Turns Out the Suburban Housing Boom Is Coming Mainly From THIS Market

When industries around the world first started being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the stability of the housing market surprised many. Though landlords and luxury real estate investors were affecte...

United States Housing Industry Makes a Huge Comeback

The American housing market has made a big comeback between June and the end of September, according to a report released on October 1. This has happened even though the economy as a whole is still struggling to make gains...

Looking to Rent in a Metro Area? Now Might Be the Time to Strike

We've all heard the adage that it's always best to strike while the iron is hot. For the first time in the past few decades, the iron might be getting hot in the metro area you've been eyeing. What Happened? ...

Toy Theft From Texas Public Housing Triggers Massive Replacement Donations

Many families are suffering as a result of the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. In times when a family might have to choose between paying the electricity bill or buying Christmas gifts, par...

Biden's Housing Policies to Address Inequality and Racial Justice

President Biden promised to take steps in order to bring the United States toward the never-realized but frequently promised idea of racial justice. On January 26, he signed four executive orders around racial...

In a Wall Street Journal report published on Sunday, February 21, the blue-collar job market is getting stronger. America's blue-collar workers have s...

About Blue-collar Jobs and How They Affect Housing These jobs don't require a lot of years of education. Trade or vocati...